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In the early 1980s, paper began to be recognised as a reusable material in Austria and the first steps towards recycling were taken. This approach has been followed consistently ever since.


Besides wood, recycled paper is now the second most important raw material in domestic paper production and thus the Austrian paper industry uses approx. 2.5 million tonnes of recycled paper annually to produce approx. 5 million tonnes of paper, cardboard and carton products. As such, Austria has a recycled paper quota today of approx. 72% at the forefront within the EU.


The message is clear: Depositing and burning of waste paper must continue to be prevented. In spite of high environmental requirements, large quantities of harmful CO2 are still being created from modern paper production. Re-using waste paper can markedly reduce this excess of CO2. As such, every tonne of paper not deposited as waste or burned is a step in the right direction!






We see ourselves as logistical partners for a modern recycling economy! Our task is to offset the unequal distribution of supply and demand using the relevant trade and transport and to make various types of segregated paper available to our customers in the post-consumer sector in a range of qualities, precisely where they are needed.


In doing so, we support both the industry with its production waste, but also all other areas in which large quantities of paper waste are created, with our tailored disposal concepts. We place particular emphasis on marketing paper types that are difficult to recycle, as our objective is to only deliver to the paper factories what they really need, in consideration of economic and ecological aspects.